JCS Shoe And Coat Fund

Through the generosity of our community, JCS is able to offer clothing free of charge to any student who needs something. Please see your school counselor for assistance.
How to Donate
Jefferson County Schools provide new clothing and shoes to students through the JCS Shoe and Coat Fund. Monetary donations to the Fund are gratefully accepted at any time of the year! The Jefferson High School JROTC cadets make this initiative a focus of their fundraising and community service efforts every fall and present the school system with a generous donation each year. All other donations should be submitted to:
SoMo Dept, Attn: Dr. Lee Ebersole
Jefferson County Schools
110 Mordington Avenue, Charles Town, WV 25414
Donations are accepted in check form and should be made payable to:
Jefferson County Schools Shoe and Coat Fund
What are the criteria for students to receive clothing?
The only criterion is demonstrated need. School nurses and counselors in particular are very aware of who needs warm, adequate, appropriate clothing for school. Referrals come from schools and parents. In general, we ask school counselors to submit the actual request for items. Most of our school health offices request and keep clothing for students who have need for clean or warm clothing.
How is the clothing selected?
Staff purchases what is requested by the parent and student, as long as it supports school attendance (winter clothing, under garments, shoes, etc.). Some students need to be “outfitted” for school, other times families may only ask for shoes or a coat or the specific clothing items the child needs.
How is the item delivered to the students? Usually, the items are delivered to the school for the parent to pick up. At the highs school level, most families prefer for the student to take the items home themselves. Some stores will ship to the schools for free.
Students in Jefferson Virtual Academy may have the items delivered directly to their homes.