State Assessment Information
Supporting Student Success
Jefferson County Schools shares in the responsibility of supporting a child’s skills and understanding in all areas of academics. We have several methods, including testing, that we utilize to evaluate their progress throughout their academic careers. It is important that we are all able to share information that will ensure understanding and cooperation as we partner for student success.
Below you will find information from the West Virginia Department of Education.
West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA)
Testing in West Virginia includes the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) for grades 3 through 8, the SAT School Day in high school, the West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment (WVASA), the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and various international assessment administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). These assessments are designed to provide information about the performance of students, schools, districts, and the state. The office is responsible for the implementation of West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340, West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress.
If you have any questions, please contact Carol Whittington, Jefferson County Schools Test Coordinator at 304-885-5007 or email
For more information and resources about the WVGSA, visit the WV Assessment Portal (
PSAT Support
All JCS 10th grade students and any 11th grade students interested in taking the PSAT/NMSQT assessment will be receiving information from their high school.
Home School Student Information
The PSAT/NMSQT Fall Assessment will be on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. Any Home School 10th or 11th grade student wishing to take the test on site at their public high school will need to complete this survey by Friday, September 20, 2024. No registrations will be accepted after this date. The cost to take the exam is $20. Payment must be brought to the Jefferson County Board of Education at 110 Mordington Ave., Charles Town, WV 25414. Checks or money orders must be made out to Jefferson County Board of Education.
SAT Support
Jefferson County Schools strives to help students be prepared and successful in their next phase of life. We have purchased on demand virtual tutorials for high school students for SAT support and preparation. Students can work on individual areas of need to raise their test score in order to get that magic number for their chosen college, program, scholarship, or class. These individual virtual licenses are free to the student and can be accessed anytime - in the evenings, on the weekend, or in a study hall so that it meets the students' needs and schedule. Students may use their SAT or PSAT results to guide their focus, or they can take a pre-test which will assign them areas to work on. Once they practice and brush up on skills utilizing the Apex platform, we recommend taking a full practice test on the College Board site. Juniors and seniors were giving their log in information at school. Students self-enroll using the information on the sheet received at school. We also have purchased additional tutorials for high school courses, such as Math, Science, ELA, and Social Studies as presented in the assemblies at school.
The SAT School Day is provided free of charge to all WV 11th grade students as their end of year assessment. All 11th grade students in Jefferson County will take the exam on Wednesday, April 11, 2025. Additional exams will be scheduled during the SAT School Day window, April 3-25, 2025.
All Home School Juniors must register with the Jefferson County Schools Test Coordinator using this (Link inserted) by Thursday, December 12, 2025. There will be no late registrations as each high school must register students for the digital SAT WITH COLLEGEBOARD.
Each high school will provide additional information for students and parents as the assessment date approaches. As the assessment is digital this year, students will be taking the assessment on school devices.
WVDE Testing Resources
WVDE Report Resources
The following interpretive guides provide information on the West Virginia General Summative Assessment, SAT School Day and the West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment.
Interpretive Guide for the WVGSA Score Report for Grades 3-8
Interpretive Guide for the SAT School Day Score Report for Grade 11
Interpretive Guide for the WVASA DLM Student Score Report - 2022
Interpretive Guide for the West Virginia Lexile and Quantile Measures Score Report
If you have any questions concerning SAT School Day or WVGSA, please contact Carol Whittington, County Test Coordinator at 304-885-5007 or email