PERC Parent Educator Resource Coordinator

PERC is Proud to be Part of the JCS Special Programs Department

Ms. Haley Kern
Parent Educator Resource Coordinator
Phone: 304-728-9210

Welcome to the Parent Educator Resource Center page. Our purpose is to connect families and educators with community agencies and school resources as needed to maximize collaboration between JCS, families, educators, and our community to best serve our JCS students.

To make that happen, we need YOUR feedback and support. Please click the box to the right and complete the survey. Be sure to check back on our website for more information about upcoming events, new initiatives, and family resources.

Upcoming Events

PERC Transition Fair

PERC Resource & Transition Fair

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Student Event 10am - 12pm

Family & Community 5pm-7pm

This incredible 2-part event will feature programming for students during the day where they will be assessed for career interests and have tasks for various job opportunities setup. Then in the evening we invite parents to join us to meet with potential employers, schools, agencies and organizations. There will be door prizes and more!

Parenting kids with asd flyer


March 4, 2025; March 11, 2025; March 18, 2025; March 25, 2025

Grades Prek-5: 4:30pm - 5:30pm;

Grades 6-12: 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Join Cara for a 4-part series designed for parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This series will enhance your understanding of autism by integrating education with activities and community. There will be two cohorts, one for children in grades preK-5 and one for grades 6-12. Registration is limited to 10 families per age group. Childcare will be provided.

Special Education Resources

Accessible ebooks for People with Print Disabilities

Download hundreds of thousands of accessible ebooks for people with visual, physical, and learning disabilities. With a Bookshare membership, you can: Get unlimited access to bestsellers, popular books, school books, children's books, career books, and more. Read on a wide variety of devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones, MP3 players, assistive technology devices, and more. Listen to words read aloud, see and hear words read as they are highlighted, read with refreshable braille, and more.

WV Division of Rehabilitation Services

The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) is a state agency that serves West Virginians with disabilities. The mission of DRS is to enable and empower individuals with disabilities to work and live independently by providing individualized services to consumers and employers.

Pathways to the Future

Pathways to the Future is a collection of resources, tools, and people to help students with disabilities, through the journey from youth to adulthood.

Family Engagement Resources:

Community Resources:


We had a blast during our Sensory Trunk-or-Treat on Oct. 24. Thanks to everyone who came out to help!!!