Two students conduct an experiment during the NTHS Dream Big Summit
Kelcie Springer
WHS All-State Choir Attendees
The Robo-Recallers of Wildwood Middle School in competition
Group photo of Knights of Columbus members presenting a check to JCS staff in front of wall of stars at North Jefferson Elementary
Group photo of Jefferson County Social Studies Fair participants
All-County Honor choir performing on stage
Students and staff at TALES pose in front of the Black History Month display at their school
Students at Shepherdstown Middle School testing robots they built
Participants of regional science fair in a group on a stage
JHS Symphonic  Band posing on stage
WHS All-State Choir Attendees
Math Field Day Winners Graphic
School counselors at Washington high School review college catalogs with students around a table in the library
Grace Ott and Maria Avila posing in front of their MedEd presentation
JROTC Cadets presenting check to BOE members
Allison Dodson
All-State Band Students
Students standing with their food drive donations around a Christmas tree
Brittany Elder with sons Aiden and Finley visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus