Jefferson County Board of Education Meetings

Agendas for each meeting are posted online in BoardDocs and by the front door at the Board Office at 110 Mordington Ave. in Charles Town on the Wednesday before the meeting.


The Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBOE) meets in regular sessions on the second and fourth Monday of each month.

Meetings begin at 6:00 PM


Washington High School Auditorium

300 Washington Patriot Drive, Charles Town, West Virginia


The JCBOE encourages public attendance.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings in-person and online.

Addressing the Board During Citizen's Comment

A time for public comment on any school or education issue is available during all regular JCBOE meetings. Those wishing to address the JCBOE during public comment are asked to sign a registration sheet available at the entrance of the auditorium no later than 10 minutes prior to the beginning of a meeting.

All participants must adhere to the following guidelines during citizens' comments.

  1. The speaker must be logged in to the JCBOE meeting through Zoom

  2. The speaker must have their name clearly displayed on the Zoom.

  3. All Speakers are requested to provide contact information should it be necessary to seek clarifying information, correct a factual error, or provide specific feedback.

  4. The speaker must complete and submit this form no later than 3:00 pm the day of the meeting.

  5. All Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes.

  6. Speakers shall not engage in negative or derogatory statements that use name(s) or position(s) by which persons can be identified.

  7. Speakers who deviate from the information provided on the Speaker's Form will be called out of order by the JCBOE President and required to cease their comments.

JCBOE Meeting Video Archive